MBI Modern Slavery Statement

MBI Health supports the Government’s objectives to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking, and recognises the significant role that all organisations and employers have to play in both combatting it, and supporting victims. In particular, we are committed to ensuring our supply chains and business activities are free from ethical and labour standards abuses. Steps taken to date include:



  • Appropriate pre‐employment checks are undertaken on staff employed fulltime or as contractors.
  • A range of controls to protect staff from poor treatment and/or exploitation, which comply with all respective laws and regulations. These include provision of fair pay rates, fair Terms and Conditions of employment and access to training and development opportunities.


Speaking Up

We believe that every member of staff has a duty, and should be encouraged, to raise concerns at the earliest reasonable opportunity about any suspicions regarding Modern Slavery or Trafficking or malpractice where behaviour/conduct is believed to be inadequate or unacceptable.


Procurement and Supply Chain

  • We endeavour to purchase most of our products from UK or EU based firms, who may also be required to comply with the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) or similar legislation in other EU states.
  • Where possible, and consistent with the Public Contracts Regulations, we aim to build long‐standing relationships with customers and suppliers.


Partner Approval

This statement has been approved by the MBI Health Directors, who will review and update it on an annual basis.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this Modern Slavery Statement are welcomed and should be addressed to [email protected]